2022 Annual Meeting Announcement
Hello fellow members of SVP: It’s almost April! Our annual meeting will be held Saturday, April 2nd. We are excited to be able to get together again at the old Halverson’s restaurant. Maybe you’d even like to bring a friend or two you think would like to join our fun group. There’ll be a chance for everyone to pay the $20 per person annual dues while we’re there. You can also pay your dues online at stoughtonvillageplayers.org or send a check to SVP, P.O. Box 710, Stoughton, WI 53589 if you’d rather.
Saturday evening will start with a meet & greet cocktail hour at 5:00 pm. We’ll have our meeting and vote for new board members at 6:00 pm. There are three open positions just waiting to be filled! Plus, three members of the board will be running again. That makes six people we need on the ballot but there could be more! Please contact Tracy Markle at [email protected] or Dave Conour at [email protected] if you’re interested in getting your name on that ballot to help fill in the board.
New this year we have a one-year term, a two-year term and four three-year terms available. This could be the perfect time for you to check out being involved at the board level without committing to the full three-year term. |